The Congo River Basin Supports What Type Of Vegetation

The Congo River Basin Supports What Type Of Vegetation?

The heart of the Congo basin is blanketed by an intricate forest system commonly known as the equatorial rainforest. … The eastern plateaus are covered by grasslands and mountain forest bamboo thickets and Afro-Alpine vegetation occur on the highest mountains.

What does the Congo Basin provide?

Today the Congo Basin provides food medicine water materials and shelter for over 75 million people. Among some 150 different ethnic groups the Ba’Aka BaKa BaMbuti Efe and other related groups—often referred to as Pygmies—are today’s most visible representatives of an ancient hunter-gatherer lifestyle.

What plants grow near the Congo River?

Among these mahogany ebony limba wenge agba iroko and sapele provide timber. Fibrous plants include raffia and sisal. There are also plants used in traditional medicine including cinchona (the source of quinine) and rauwolfia (an emetic and antihypertensive) as well as copal rubber and palm trees.

What biome does the Congo River basin have?

tropical rainforests

Much of the basin is covered by rich tropical rainforests and swamps. Together these ecosystems make up the bulk of Central Africa’s rainforest which at 178 million hectares (2005) is the world’s second largest rainforest.

Country Republic of Congo
Birds 606
Amphibians 75
Mammals 197
Reptiles 344

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Why is the Congo River Basin important?

The Congo is an important navigational system in Africa. … In the Democratic Republic of the Congo only the section from Ilebo to Kinshasa is still important because it constitutes the river link (the other link being a railway between Kinshasa and Matadi) used to transport the copper production of Katanga to the coast.

What is the Congo Basin quizlet?

What is the Congo Basin? The Congo Basin is a flat region surrounded by higher ground. How do you think the Congo River’s rapids and waterfalls affect the economy of the region? It is impossible for the ship to import goods and they also can’t export good.

What is the primary landform in the Congo Basin?

The central part of the Congo basin—often called the cuvette (literally “saucer” or “shallow bowl”)—is an immense depression containing Quaternary alluvial deposits that rest on thick sediments of continental origin consisting principally of sands and sandstones.

What is the vegetation of Congo?

Grasslands and woodlands are characteristic of the tropical climate zone while stands of mangrove dominate the coastal swamps and the mouth of the Congo. The eastern plateaus are covered by grasslands and mountain forest bamboo thickets and Afro-Alpine vegetation occur on the highest mountains.

What are the main crops grown in Congo?

The main cash crops include coffee palm oil rubber cotton sugar tea and cocoa. There has been some success developing cocoa and coffee for export. Food crops also include cassava plantains maize groundnuts and rice.

What is the vegetation in Greenland?

Greenland’s current vegetation is dominated by Arctic tundra with subarctic forest–tundra vegetation only occurring inland in southern Greenland [15 16].

What is a basin in geography?

A basin is a depression or dip in the Earth’s surface. Basins are shaped like bowls with sides higher than the bottom. … The major types of basins are river drainage basins structural basins and ocean basins. River Drainage Basins. A river drainage basin is an area drained by a river and all of its tributaries.

What is the climate like in the Congo Basin?

The Congo Basin is naturally warm and humid and experiences only two seasons: the rainy season from March to November and the dry season from December to February. The Congo Basin is of vital importance on a global and local scale.

How was the Congo Basin rainforest formed?

About 10 000 years ago as the last Ice Age ended glaciers receded and rainfall increased. The changing climate allowed savannas to be reclaimed by trees and the forest grew to reach its current size.

How do plants create energy in the Congo rainforest?

Sunlight is captured in the leaves of canopy plants via photosynthesis converted into simple sugars and transferred throughout the forest energy system as the leaves and fruit are eaten or decomposed by various organisms.

Why is the Congo Basin important to Africa?

The vast forest of the Congo Basin is the second-largest tropical rainforest on Earth and serves as the lungs of Africa. The soils and plants of the Congo Basin rainforest store incredible amounts of carbon preventing it from being emitted into our atmosphere and fueling climate change. …

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What makes the Congo river unique?

The Congo River in Central Africa is one of the world’s great rivers carrying 1.25 million cubic feet of water—more than 13 Olympic-sized swimming pools—into the Atlantic Ocean every second. That’s more flow than any other river in the world that’s not the Amazon.

What is the dominating feature of the Congo?

The country’s major topographical features include a large river basin a major valley high plateaus three mountain ranges and a low coastal plain. Most of the country is composed of the central Congo basin a vast rolling plain with an average elevation of about 1 700 feet (520 metres) above sea level.

What prevents the Congo and Zambezi rivers from being more useful for transportation and trade?

Some of the world’s largest and longest rivers found in Africa e.g the Nile Zambezi Congo and the Niger. The rivers are not effective as transportation routes due to the existence of a large amount of rapids and cataracts.

What are the main physical geographic features in Central Africa quizlet?

What are the main physical geographic features in Central Africa? tropical rainforests equatorial region. highlands.

Is the Congo Basin a river?

Congo basin basin of the Congo River lying astride the Equator in west-central Africa. It is the world’s second largest river basin (next to that of the Amazon) comprising an area of more than 1.3 million square miles (3.4 million square km).

What is a Congo River?

Congo River formerly Zaire River river in west-central Africa. With a length of 2 900 miles (4 700 km) it is the continent’s second longest river after the Nile.

How does the Congo Basin differ from most other parts of sub Saharan Africa?

How does the Congo basin differ from most other parts of Sub Saharan Africa? The Congo basin provides vegetation like rainforests while other places have deserts. Why does Southern Africa have the highest standards for living in sub Saharan Africa? It is wealthier.

What is the new name of Congo Basin?

The Congo Basin (French: Bassin du Congo) is the sedimentary basin of the Congo River. The Congo Basin is located in Central Africa in a region known as west equatorial Africa. The Congo Basin region is sometimes known simply as the Congo.

How many plant species are in the Congo?

The Congo Basin at a glance

There are approximately 10 000 species of tropical plants in the Congo Basin and 30 percent are unique to the region. Endangered wildlife including forest elephants chimpanzees bonobos and lowland and mountain gorillas inhabit the lush forests.

What is a savanna which parts of the DRC have this type of vegetation?

Answer: The ecoregion includes the southern central portion of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the northwestern corner of Angola. Small lush forests called gallery forests grow along the waterways while elsewhere the vegetation consists of a mix of lowland rainforest dry forest and secondary grassland.

What does the Congo produce?

The Congo is the world’s largest producer of cobalt ore and a major producer of copper and industrial diamonds. The Congo has 70% of the world’s coltan and more than 30% of the world’s diamond reserves. mostly in the form of small industrial diamonds.

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What minerals are in Congo?

The mining industry of the Democratic Republic of the Congo plays a significant role in the world’s supply of cobalt copper diamond tantalum tin gold and produces over 70% of globally produced cobalt. It is the Democratic Republic of the Congo’s largest source of export income.

What is the largest river flowing through the Congo Basin?

It is the only major river to cross the equator twice. The Congo Basin has a total area of about 4 000 000 km2 (1 500 000 sq mi) or 13% of the entire African landmass.

Congo River.
Congo River Zaire River
The drainage basin of the Congo River
Physical characteristics
Source Lualaba River
• location Boyoma Falls

How does Greenland’s climate affect its vegetation?

How does Greenland’s harsh climate affect its vegetation? Ans – Greenland’s harsh climate affect its vegetation therefore very few plants and trees grow here. The soil in this region remains frozen throughout the year Hence it is also called the tundra region. Grasses shrubs and mosses are only plants that grow here.

What kind of trees are in Greenland?

Currently only five species of trees or large shrubs occur naturally in Greenland–Greenland mountain ash mountain alder downy birch grayleaf willow and common juniper–and and those hardy plants grow only in scattered plots in the far south.

Why is very limited vegetation found in Greenland?

Despite being very large most of Greenland is covered in ice which makes it impossible for plants to grow.

What is a river basin Class 4?

A river basin is a region that is drained by a river such as the Ganges and any of its tributaries. This means that surface water and rainwater in the basin area flow into the nearby rivers.

What is basin in geography class 9?

A drainage basin or river basin is an area that is drained by a single river system. A water division is considered an upland that divides two irrigation systems that are adjacent to each other. In this blog we discuss drainage class 9 notes in detail.

Which type of rainfall occurs in Congo Basin?

Rainfall in the Congo Basin is distributed bi-modally in the annual cycle with two wet seasons [March–May (MAM) and September–November (SON)] and two dry seasons [June–August (JJA) and December–February (DJF)].

The Congo Basin: State of the Forest

History of the Congo River

UN Environment – European Commission: Democratic Republic of the Congo River Partners

Climate and Vegetation Zones (Geography) –

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